Best regards,
Rex Wu
Tel. (03) 552-6568#1181
Solid State System Co., Ltd.
From: 3s_Rex_Wu 吳瑞益
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 10:24 AM
To: ' ('
Cc: ''
Subject: [C++] VC6 shortcut keys
Edit |
Bookmarks |
Alt+F2 |
Edits or navigates bookmarks |
Edit |
SelectionFormat |
Alt+F8 |
Formats the selection using the smart indent settings |
Edit |
DebugBreakpoints |
Alt+F9 |
Edits breakpoints in the program |
Edit |
SentenceCut |
Alt+Shift+L |
Deletes the remainder of the sentence |
Edit |
LineTranspose |
Alt+Shift+T |
Swaps current and previous lines |
Edit |
DeleteBack |
Backspace |
Deletes the selection or, if there is no selection, the character to the left of the cursor |
Edit |
SelectAll |
Ctrl+A |
Selects the entire document |
Edit |
ListMembers |
Ctrl+Alt+T |
Brings up the completion list box |
Edit |
WordDeleteToStart |
Ctrl+Backspace |
Deletes a word to the left |
Edit |
Copy |
Ctrl+C |
Copies the selection to the Clipboard |
Edit |
FindTool |
Ctrl+D |
Activates the Find tool |
Edit |
WordDeleteToEnd |
Ctrl+Del |
Deletes a word to the right |
Edit |
WindowScrollUp |
Ctrl+Down Arrow |
Scrolls the file contents up one line |
Edit |
DocumentEnd |
Ctrl+End |
Moves to the end of the document |
Edit |
Find |
Ctrl+F |
Finds the specified text |
Edit |
BookmarkToggle |
Ctrl+F2 |
Toggles a bookmark for the current line on and off |
Edit |
FindNextWord |
Ctrl+F3 |
Finds the next occurrence of the selected text |
Edit |
SelectLine |
Ctrl+F8 |
Selects lines of text |
Edit |
GoTo |
Ctrl+G |
Moves to a specified location |
Edit |
FindReplace |
Ctrl+H |
Replaces the specified text with different text |
Edit |
DocumentStart |
Ctrl+Home |
Moves to the beginning of the file |
Edit |
SearchIncremental |
Ctrl+I |
Starts an incremental search forward |
Edit |
ConditionalUp |
Ctrl+J |
Finds the previous matching preprocessor condition |
Edit |
ConditionalDown |
Ctrl+K |
Finds the next matching preprocessor condition |
Edit |
LineCut |
Ctrl+L |
Deletes the selected lines and puts them on the Clipboard |
Edit |
WordLeft |
Ctrl+Left Arrow |
Moves back one word |
Edit |
BrowsePopContext |
Ctrl+Num * |
Returns to the location preceding the last browse operation |
Edit |
BrowseNext |
Ctrl+Num + |
Displays the next symbol definition or reference |
Edit |
BrowsePrev |
Ctrl+Num - |
Displays the previous symbol definition or reference |
Edit |
WordRight |
Ctrl+Right Arrow |
Moves forward one word |
Edit |
ToggleViewWhitespace |
Ctrl+Shift+8 |
Shows or hides tab characters |
Edit |
DocumentEndExtend |
Ctrl+Shift+End |
Extends the selection to the end of the document |
Edit |
BookmarkClearAll |
Ctrl+Shift+F2 |
Clears all bookmarks in the window |
Edit |
FindPrevWord |
Ctrl+Shift+F3 |
Finds the previous occurrence of the selected text |
Edit |
SelectColumn |
Ctrl+Shift+F8 |
Selects a columnar block of text |
Edit |
DocumentStartExtend |
Ctrl+Shift+Home |
Extends the selection to the beginning of the file |
Edit |
SearchIncrementalBack |
Ctrl+Shift+I |
Starts an incremental search backward |
Edit |
ConditionalUpExtend |
Ctrl+Shift+J |
Extends the selection to the previous matching preprocessor condition |
Edit |
ConditionalDownExtend |
Ctrl+Shift+K |
Extends the selection to the next matching preprocessor condition |
Edit |
LineDelete |
Ctrl+Shift+L |
Deletes the selected line |
Edit |
WordLeftExtend |
Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow |
Extends the selection back one word |
Edit |
WordRightExtend |
Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow |
Extends the selection forward one word |
Edit |
ParameterInfo |
Ctrl+Shift+Space |
Provides help with parameters of functions |
Edit |
WordTranspose |
Ctrl+Shift+T |
Swaps the current and previous words |
Edit |
SelectionUppercase |
Ctrl+Shift+U |
Makes the selection all uppercase |
Edit |
GoToMatchBraceExtend |
Ctrl+Shift+] |
Extends the selection to the matching brace |
Edit |
CompleteWord |
Ctrl+Space |
Completes the current statement |
Edit |
TypeInfo |
Ctrl+T |
Provides the syntax for a variable, function or method selected in the editor |
Edit |
SelectionLowercase |
Ctrl+U |
Makes the selection all lowercase |
Edit |
WindowScrollDown |
Ctrl+Up Arrow |
Scrolls the file contents down one line |
Edit |
Paste |
Ctrl+V |
Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point |
Edit |
Cut |
Ctrl+X |
Cuts the selection and moves it to the Clipboard |
Edit |
Redo |
Ctrl+Y |
Redoes the previously undone action |
Edit |
Undo |
Ctrl+Z |
Undoes the last action |
Edit |
GoToMatchBrace |
Ctrl+] |
Finds the matching brace |
Edit |
Delete |
Del |
Deletes the selection |
Edit |
LineDown |
Down Arrow |
Moves the cursor down one line |
Edit |
LineEnd |
End |
Moves to the end of the current line |
Edit |
BrowseGoToDefinition |
F12 |
Displays a symbol definition |
Edit |
BookmarkNext |
F2 |
Moves to the line containing the next bookmark |
Edit |
FindNext |
F3 |
Finds the next occurrence of the specified text |
Edit |
GoToNextErrorTag |
F4 |
Moves to the line containing the next error or tag |
Edit |
SelectChar |
F8 |
Starts character selection mode |
Edit |
Home |
Home |
Moves to either the start of the current line or the start of the text on that line |
Edit |
EditToggleOvertype |
Ins |
Toggles between inserting and replacing text |
Edit |
CharLeft |
Left Arrow |
Moves the cursor one character to the left |
Edit |
PageDown |
Page Down |
Moves the cursor down one page |
Edit |
PageUp |
Page Up |
Moves the cursor up one page |
Edit |
CharRight |
Right Arrow |
Moves the cursor one character to the right |
Edit |
LineDownExtend |
Shift+Down Arrow |
Extends the selection down one line |
Edit |
LineEndExtend |
Shift+End |
Extends the selection to the end of the current line |
Edit |
BrowseGoToReference |
Shift+F12 |
Displays a symbol reference |
Edit |
BookmarkPrev |
Shift+F2 |
Moves to the line containing the previous bookmark |
Edit |
FindPrev |
Shift+F3 |
Finds the previous occurrence of the specified text |
Edit |
GoToPrevErrorTag |
Shift+F4 |
Moves to the line containing the previous error or tag |
Edit |
HomeExtend |
Shift+Home |
Extends the selection to either the start of the current line or the start of the text on that line |
Edit |
CharLeftExtend |
Shift+Left Arrow |
Extends the selection one character to the left |
Edit |
PageDownExtend |
Shift+Page Down |
Extends the selection down one page |
Edit |
PageUpExtend |
Shift+Page Up |
Extends the selection up one page |
Edit |
CharRightExtend |
Shift+Right Arrow |
Extends the selection one character to the right |
Edit |
LineUpExtend |
Shift+Up Arrow |
Extends the selection up one line |
Edit |
LineUp |
Up Arrow |
Moves the cursor up one line |