Q1: What distribution are you currently using to port AMSS into your target? For example, Windows, Ubutun, or others?
The arm 9 is the AMSS, and the arm 11 is ubuntu (with android).
So we porting the AMSS to arm 9, and it will load the OS of Arm 11.

Q3: What components/models does AMSS consist of? In other words, what is the AMSS's architecture?
The overview is : DBL -> OSBL ->APPSBL->load (Linux kernel and AMSS). If there are some error code happened on OSBL, it will call the error handler into FSBL(over USB).

Q4: How should the Trace32 tool be used to debug USB based on AMSS together with your distro?
For download image form PC and factory produce test on bootload step , I must porting the USB driver on OSBL, but there didn't have . I moved the USB driver from FSBL to our target, and there happened data abort !
Because there were signal thread , I used the Trace 32 to found the error factory of data abort.

Q6: How is porting USB Driver from FSBL to OSBL (or target) for downloading image into target and factory product test, implemented under AMSS platform? And, how is the T32 tool used to debug usb, including the installation of the tool and others?
When there are some error happened of the boot sequence , the chip will enter the FSBL (full name : fail safe boot...) . Chip can connect to the application(QXDM) of PC for downloading image through USB. Because the FSBL use the dload library of AMSS, I porting the usb driver to OSBL . When usb boot up , I made some protocol between PC and chip. So we can download image to flash from OSBL.
You can use the T32 connect to chip , and trace the code step by step to find the problem .

from : http://diary.blog.yam.com/faust/article/7103740

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